Flat white coffee beverage with animated illustration

 Flat white coffee beverage with animated illustration

Google Doodle’s animated doodle celebrates the flat white, a popular espresso-based beverage that is believed to have first originated in Australia and New Zealand. In terms of visibility, this doodle will be visible across various countries of the world including India.

 Flat white coffee beverage

 Flat white coffee beverage

History of flat white

March 11, marks the day flat white was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. Flat white, a beloved coffee drink of steamed milk poured over a shot of espresso, is speculated to have been first served in Australia and New Zealand. It is believed that the drink first appeared on the menus of Sydney and Auckland during the 1980s.


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How is flat white made?

A flat white is made up of an espresso shot topped with steamed milk and a thin layer of micro-foam and is traditionally served in a ceramic cup.

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Flat whites are popular among those coffee connoisseurs who want less foam in their beverage as flat white is “flatter” than a cappuccino or latte. In many cafes across Australia and New Zealand, customers are commonly allured into having the drink by baristas who show off their skills and create beautiful artwork while preparing the drink.


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Over the years, coffee culture has changed a lot, and also have ways to prepare the flat white. Earlier, flat white was made with whole milk, but nowadays, Aussies and Kiwis are ordering it with plant-based milk, including oat milk.


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The flat white is gaining popularity and is becoming a favorite since it has spread far across the world. It has come to delight many and has become a staple in many nations. Google Doodle’s description states, “No matter the origins, coffee lovers worldwide agree it’s a favorite morning or arvo (afternoon) pick-me-up!”

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